Two Guys and Their Gyms Episode 43

Two Guys and Their Gyms Episode 43

Welcome to our weekly talk show and podcast multi-streaming live on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Noel and I are on the #HotSeat segment. Noel injured his knee and I hurt my lower back. When things look black, there’s always a silver lining. It is a reminder for us to slow down and take better care of ourselves. 

Our #SpecialGuest Sumita share about: 

-Benefit of outdoor exercise and nature 

-Pictures of her adventure

-The highest climb have the greatest view #wisdom

#AskUsAnything, we highlight some tips to stay on track with your goals. Number 1 is to establish your support system and accountability person #NeverDoFitnessAlone 

I invite you to check out the Facebook version of this video to get the link to articles and resources that are mentioned in this episode. 

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